About us
About us
You must accept the terms and conditions if you want to collaborate with soccerfixed.io. The most important thing is that if you are under 18, do not contact us at all. That is against our rules.
Here are all the important information about our website, employees and agents connected to soccer fixed matches.
We offer 100% secure soccer matches. We have around 30 employees. Some of them are part of the support team for customers care, some maintain our website, and the third group of employees are amateur tipsters who post free soccer tips that you can see daily on our website. In addition to the 30 employees, we also have around 30 agents spread across multiple countries around the world. They are in daily contact with sources that provide information about fixed matches. These agents negotiate and pay the sources from whom we receive the fixed matches.
We proudly say that we have the largest number of subscribers. With our professional work and honesty, we build trust with our clients. They bring us even more subscribers because the best advertisement is word of mouth.
We have highlighted some of the most frequently asked questions and provided answers to them.You can find them on the FAQ page.